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List all app in the cluster (across all namespaces)

kapp ls -A

Show only specific columns while listing apps

kapp ls --column=namespace,name,label


Deploy app named app1 with configuration from config/:

kapp deploy -a app1 -f config/ -c

Deploy app named app1 with configuration piped in (see alternative that does not require --yes next):

ytt -f config/ | kapp deploy -a app1 -f- -c -y

Deploy app named app1 with configuration generated inline and with confirmation dialog:

kapp deploy -a app1 -f <(ytt -f config/ )

Show more diff context when reviewing changes during deploy:

kapp deploy -a app1 -f config/ -c --diff-context=10

Show diff and exit successfully (without applying any changes):

kapp deploy -a app1 -f config/ --diff-run

Show logs from all app Pods throughout deploy:

kapp deploy -a app1 -f config/ --logs-all

Rewrite all resources to specify app1-ns namespace:

kapp deploy -a app1 -f config/ --into-ns app1-ns


Show summary of all resources in app app1:

kapp inspect -a app1

Show summary organized as a tree of all resources in app app1:

kapp inspect -a app1 --tree

Show status subresources for each resource in app app1:

kapp inspect -a app1 --status

Show all resources in the cluster:

kapp inspect -a 'label:'

Show all resources in particular namespace (note that it currently does namespace filtering client-side):

kapp inspect -a 'label:' --filter-ns some-ns

Show all resources labeled tier=web in the cluster:

kapp inspect -a 'label:tier=web'

Show all Deployment resources in the cluster not managed by kapp:

kapp inspect -a 'label:!' --filter-kind Deployment


Delete resources under particular label (in this example deleting resources associated with some app):

kapp delete -a ''

Environment variables

Environment Variables:

  • FORCE_COLOR: set to 1 to force colors to the printed. Useful to preserve colors when piping output such as in kapp list --all-namespaces --tty |& less -R


See which labels are used in your cluster (add --values to see label values):

kapp tools list-labels

Shows app labels that are still present in the cluster (could be combined with delete command below):

kapp tools list-labels --values --tty=false | grep

Delete all app changes older than 500h (v0.12.0+):

kapp deploy -a --filter-age 500h+ --dangerous-allow-empty-list-of-resources --apply-ignored

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