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Install Packages in an air-gapped (offline) environment

The documentation below covers topics from the imgpkg air-gapped workflow docs more concisely in order to focus on applying these workflows to kapp-controller package repositories.


You have a PackageRepository in an imgpkg bundle format in an external OCI registry that you would like to move into an OCI registry in an air-gapped environment. Once relocated, you would like to deploy the bundle as part of a PackageRepository to a Kubernetes cluster.


In order to go through this process of moving an imgpkg bundle to an air-gapped environment, you will need to have imgpkg installed. More information on installing Carvel tools, including imgpkg, can be found here.

Copy PackageRepository bundle to new location

Most of the steps documented for the imgpkg air-gapped workflow docs still apply in the case of working with kapp-controller package repositories. A summary of these docs is that you will need to copy your package repository bundle with imgpkg via one of the following options:

  • Option 1: From a common location connected to both registries. This option is more efficient because only changed image layers will be transfered between registries.
  • Option 2: With intermediate tarball. This option works best when registries have no common network access.

More detailed documents for Option 1 and Option 2 can be found at the attached links.

A summary of steps for relocating a package repository bundle to an air-gapped environment are documented for both options below:

For Option 1:

  • Get to a location that can access both registries. If there is no such location, you will have to use Option 2 steps.
  • Authenticate with both source and destination registries
  • Run imgpkg copy -b --to-repo

For Option 2:

  • Get to a location that can access the source registry
  • Authenticate with the source registry
  • Run imgpkg copy -b --to-tar /tmp/my-image.tar
  • Make sure the tar file is in a location that has access to the destination registry
  • Authenticate with the destination registry
  • Run imgpkg copy --tar /tmp/my-image.tar --to-repo

Use Relocated Bundle or Image with PackageRepository

Once you have relocated the package repository bundle into the destination OCI registry in your air-gapped environment, you can now reference the relocated bundle in a PackageRepository definition:

kind: PackageRepository
  name: simple-package-repository

In the event your PackageRepository needs authentication to pull the bundle, you can read more about kapp-controller’s private authentication workflows using secretgen-controller or without secretgen-controller.

After applying the PackageRepository definition above to your Kubernetes cluster, you will be able to check that the PackageRepository and its associated Packages were successfully deployed by checking the PackageRepository status:

$ kubectl get packagerepository/simple-package-repository

You will see a message of Reconcile Succeeded in the DESCRIPTION column of the output from kubectl if the PackageRepository was deloyed successfully. You can also run kubectl get packages to see that all Packages were introduced successfully.

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