This documentation is for not yet released version of ytt. For the documentation of the latest release version, see the latest version.
name1: #@ name + "-deployment"
name2: #@ "{}-deployment".format("name")
Copied here for convenience from Starlark specification.
- string·elem_ords
- string·capitalize (
"hello, world!".capitalize() # "Hello, world!"`
- string·codepoint_ords
- string·count (
S.count(sub[, start[, end]])
"hello, world!".count("o") # 2
"hello, world!".count("o", 7, 12) # 1 (in "world")
- string·endswith (
S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]])
"".endswith(".star") # True
''.endswith(('.cc', '.h')) # True
- string·find (
S.find(sub[, start[, end]])
"bonbon".find("on") # 1
"bonbon".find("on", 2) # 4
"bonbon".find("on", 2, 5) # -1
- string·format (
S.format(*args, **kwargs)
"a{x}b{y}c{}".format(1, x=2, y=3) # "a2b3c1"
"a{}b{}c".format(1, 2) # "a1b2c"
"({1}, {0})".format("zero", "one") # "(one, zero)"
- string·index (
S.index(sub[, start[, end]])
"bonbon".index("on") # 1
"bonbon".index("on", 2) # 4
"bonbon".index("on", 2, 5) # error: substring not found (in "nbo")
"base64".isalnum() # True
"Catch-22".isalnum() # False
- string·isalpha
- string·isdigit
- string·islower
- string·isspace
- string·istitle
- string·isupper
- string·join (
", ".join(["one", "two", "three"]) # "one, two, three"
"a".join("ctmrn".codepoints()) # "catamaran"
" hello ".lstrip() # "hello "
- string·partition
- string·replace (
S.replace(old, new[, count])
"banana".replace("a", "o") # "bonono"
"banana".replace("a", "o", 2) # "bonona"
- string·rfind (
S.rfind(sub[, start[, end]])
"bonbon".rfind("on") # 4
"bonbon".rfind("on", None, 5) # 1
"bonbon".rfind("on", 2, 5) # -1
- string·rindex (
S.rindex(sub[, start[, end]])
) - string·rpartition
- string·rsplit
- string·rstrip (
" hello ".rstrip() # " hello"
- string·split (
S.split([sep [, maxsplit]])
"one two three".split() # ["one", "two", "three"]
"one two three".split(" ") # ["one", "two", "", "three"]
"one two three".split(None, 1) # ["one", "two three"]
"banana".split("n") # ["ba", "a", "a"]
"banana".split("n", 1) # ["ba", "ana"]
- string·elems
- string·codepoints
- string·splitlines (
"one\n\ntwo".splitlines() # ["one", "", "two"]
"one\n\ntwo".splitlines(True) # ["one\n", "\n", "two"]
- string·startswith (
S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]])
"".startswith("filename") # True`
- string·strip (
" hello ".strip() # "hello"
- string·title
- string·upper (
"Hello, World!".upper() # "HELLO, WORLD!"
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